As a captain, you can't hesitate . You have to act. If you don't, you put the entire crew at risk. 身為一個領袖,你不可以猶豫。你要假裝冷靜,否則你就把整個隊伍處於危險。 U571風暴 (U-571) 2000 IMDB:
Success is not something for the hardworking, nor for the talented; success belongs to those who persist. 成功不是留給努力的人,也不是留給有能力的人,而是留給堅持不放棄的人。 尋找快樂的故事(The Pursuit of Happyness) 2006 IMDB:
Fort Meade has 18 acres of mainframe computers underground. You're talking to your wife on the phone and you use the word "bomb", "president", "Allah", any of a hundred keywords, the computer recognizes it, automatically records it, red-flags it for analysis. That was 20 years ago. 米德堡 有18公畝的地下電腦。當你和太太在電話談到「炸彈」、「總統」、「阿拉」以及成千上萬個關鍵字時,電腦就會紀錄下來及分析。這是20年前已經開始做了。 高度反擊 (Enemy of the State) 1994 IMDB:
Hope is a good thing and maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies. 希望是一種好東西。而好東西是不會死的。 月黑高飛 (Shawshank Redemption) 1994 IMDB:
Some people are unhappy because they're not trying to be happy; they're trying to be happier than others. 很多人不快樂,是因為追求的不是幸福,而是比別人幸福。 三個傻瓜 (3 Idiots) 2009 IMDB:
I'm grateful for my imperfections; they let me understand who truly cares about me. 感謝我的不完美,讓我看清了真正對我好的人是誰。 食破天驚 (Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs), 2009 IMDB:
I must say a word about fear. It is life’s only true opponent. Only fear can defeat life. 生命中,只有恐懼是你的對手。只有恐懼可以打倒你。 少年Pi的奇幻飄流 (Life of Pi) 2012 IMDB:
Doing what you love doesn't mean it's an easier life, but it's definitely a more exciting one. 做你熱愛的事,雖然不代表著就能過得輕鬆, 但絕對可以活得精彩。 魔球 (Money Ball) 2011 IMDB:
Worrying is using your imagination to create something you don't want. 擔心,是利用你的想像力,創造出你不想要的東西。 海底奇兵 (Finding Memo) 2003 IMDB:
You have to think for yourself. You have to challenge the authority. 每個人都要有獨立的思想。每人都要嘗試挑戰權威。 吸煙無罪 (Thank You For Smoking) 2005 IMDB:
The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem. 問題本身不是問題,面對問題時的態度才是問題。 風雨同路兩支公 (50/50), 2011 IMDB:
Think as if you were 10 years older; act as if you were 10 years younger. 用成熟十歲的心去想,用年輕十歲的心去做。 玩轉身前事 (The Bucket List), 2007 IMDB:
A sense of the fundamental decencies is parceled out unequally at birth. 一個人是否體面,在他出生一刻已經被不公平地決定了。 大亨小傳 (The Great Gatsby) 2013 IMDB:
Even the simplest of skills may come in handy at the most unexpected moment. 再平凡的技能,也可能發揮意想不到的用處。 乜都得先生 (Yes Man), 2008 IMDB:
Your heart is like a parachute; it doesn't work if it's not open. 你的心就像降落傘,如果不打開,便失去它的用處。 閃亮人生 (The Intouchables) 2011 IMDB:
In the game of life, it's not how good the cards are in your hands, it's how well you play them. 人生的牌局,關鍵不在拿了一手好牌,而在打得一手好牌。 決勝21點 (21), 2008 IMDB:
Two little mice fell in a bucket of cream. The first mouse quickly gave up and drowned. The second mouse, wouldn't quit. He struggled so hard that eventually he churned that cream into butter and crawled out. 有兩隻老鼠跌進忌廉中,第一隻很快就放棄並沉了。第二隻沒有放棄,並不斷爭扎。最後,忌廉被攪成牛油,牠就逃出來了。 捉智雙雄 (Catch me if you can) 2002 IMDB: